eSports Fun Facts
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WorldWide Facts
First eSports Event in History
The first esport event dates back to 1972. There were 10 000 attendees and the prize was a 1-year subscription to Rolling stone magazine.
eSports Industry Valuation
In 2018, the eSports industry worth was $906 Million, while last year (2019) it was expected to reach 1.1 billion.
eSports Investment Trends
Out of these $906, $694 million came from brand investment (direct and indirect)
eSports Viewers Growth
By 2019, the number of viewers grew to 443 million and is expected and expected to reach 586 million in 2020
Chinese eSports Representation
China has the biggest representation with 21/50 players coming from China
Player Earnings
Total earnings for the Top 50 players is $61.46 million or $1.23 million per player on average.
Most Played Games 2022
While there’s been no shortage of games released over the past few years, you might be surprised to learn that majority of the most played games in 2021 are actually much older. Here we’re recapping the top 10, which we’ve based on data provided by publishers/developers, as well as various analytics sites.

#10 220K
Apex Legends
Respawn’s Apex Legends stealth dropped out of nowhere and then proceeded to take the battle royale genre by storm. It proved the perfect recipe of compelling gameplay, AAA production quality, and a free-to-play business model that saw it succeed in temporarily dethroning Fortnite and PUBG as most-played and most-watched multiplayer games.

#9 458K
The game that kicked off a frenzy that saw the entire multiplayer gaming landscape reshaped over the past few years, PUBG still commands a huge audience despite the battle royale genre becoming flooded with copycat titles.

#8 458K
Dota 2
The game that kicked off a frenzy that saw the entire multiplayer gaming landscape reshaped over the past few years, PUBG still commands a huge audience despite the battle royale genre becoming flooded with copycat titles.

#7 913K
New World
Amazon’s first foray into AAA MMORPGs has been a resounding success with the launch of New World back in September. With tremendous production values and a solid combat system that feels very Souls-inspired, New World very much looks and plays like a ‘next-gen’ MMORPG, even if its design doesn’t boast any especially innovative features.

#4 4M
Roblox has skyrocketed in popularity since its launch back in 2006, especially over the past five or so years. Back in 2016 CEO David Baszuski was proudly touting 700,000 concurrent players and declaring the 1 million milestone wasn’t far around the corner. Fast forward to 2020 and Roblox’s 7th Annual Bloxy Awards saw incredibly 4 million players watching in-game concurrently.

#1 12.3M
Love or hate Fortnite, it surely has to go down as among the most important video games ever made. Epic Games’ battle royale game has totally recalibrated what it means to build and support a successful “live” service-style video game.

#6 1.2M
Counter Strike GO
Counter-Strike: GO is the FPS that just won’t quit. April 2020 saw its highest-ever concurrent player numbers, topping 1.3 million. Not only is that a hugely impressive figure on its own, but the game been cranking out this sort of performance for eight years.

#3 8M
It’s likely that up until only fairly recently the majority of our readers wouldn’t have heard of one of the world’s most-played video games. Crossfire, a Counter-Strike clone, is an absolute beast over in Korea, and it’s set to make its mark over in the west soon.

#5 1.4M
1.4 million concurrent stat is taken from a Polygon article back in 2015 when Minecraft’s MAU was estimated at below 40 million. It wouldn’t be out of the realms of possibility that Minecraft now sees over three times that concurrent number on occasion.

#2 8M
League of Legends
League of Legends’ numbers completely blow those out of the water. According to Riot Games, almost each and every single day, League of Legends is played by around 8 million people.

#7 913K
New World
Amazon’s first foray into AAA MMORPGs has been a resounding success with the launch of New World back in September. With tremendous production values and a solid combat system that feels very Souls-inspired, New World very much looks and plays like a ‘next-gen’ MMORPG, even if its design doesn’t boast any especially innovative features.

#6 1.2M
Counter Strike GO
Counter-Strike: GO is the FPS that just won’t quit. April 2020 saw its highest-ever concurrent player numbers, topping 1.3 million. Not only is that a hugely impressive figure on its own, but the game been cranking out this sort of performance for eight years.

#5 1.4M
1.4 million concurrent stat is taken from a Polygon article back in 2015 when Minecraft’s MAU was estimated at below 40 million. It wouldn’t be out of the realms of possibility that Minecraft now sees over three times that concurrent number on occasion.

#4 4M
Roblox has skyrocketed in popularity since its launch back in 2006, especially over the past five or so years. Back in 2016 CEO David Baszuski was proudly touting 700,000 concurrent players and declaring the 1 million milestone wasn’t far around the corner. Fast forward to 2020 and Roblox’s 7th Annual Bloxy Awards saw incredibly 4 million players watching in-game concurrently.

#3 8M
It’s likely that up until only fairly recently the majority of our readers wouldn’t have heard of one of the world’s most-played video games. Crossfire, a Counter-Strike clone, is an absolute beast over in Korea, and it’s set to make its mark over in the west soon.

#2 8M
League of Legends
League of Legends’ numbers completely blow those out of the water. According to Riot Games, almost each and every single day, League of Legends is played by around 8 million people.

#1 12.3M
Love or hate Fortnite, it surely has to go down as among the most important video games ever made. Epic Games’ battle royale game has totally recalibrated what it means to build and support a successful “live” service-style video game.